Tuition and Fees

2025-2026 Tuition and Fees

Tuition, Housing, Food, and Activity Fees

Tuition, Housing, Food, and Activity FeesAnnual ChargesPer Term Charges
Student Activity Fee$465$155

Study Abroad Comprehensive Fees

Study AbroadBilled in FallBilled in WinterBilled in SpringTotal
One Quarter Programs
(3 or 4 K-Units)
One Quarter Programs
(3 or 4 K-Units)
One Quarter Programs
(3 K-Units)
Fall & Winter*
Two Quarter Programs
(6 K-Units)
Winter & Spring
Two Quarter Programs
(6 K-Units)
Fall, Winter & Spring
Three Quarter Programs
(9 K-Units)

The study abroad comprehensive fee will reflect on your billing statement as two charges: $20,937 (Tuition) + $4,419 (Program Fee) = $25,356 (Comprehensive Fee). The study abroad comprehensive fee covers: tuition, room, board, and international health insurance while classes are in session.

*Students on 2 Quarter, 6 K-Unit, Fall & Winter programs that end in November or December are not eligible to take classes or live in campus housing during the Winter Quarter, even if they are back in the U.S. They will return to classes at K for the Spring Quarter, following the end of their study abroad program. Additionally, students will be billed in accordance with the College’s billing cycle; 3 K-Units for Fall Quarter and 3 K-Units for Winter Quarter. This is because they will have earned a total of 6 K-Units while abroad. All financial aid scholarships and awards will have been applied.

Room Rates Per Term

Room rates are consistent across campus for each room type, whether it be a residence hall or on-campus house.

Residence TypeSingleDoubleTriple2 Room Triple
Residence Hall$2,548$2,135$2,011$2,135

Meal Plans

Meal PlansDescriptionFee
Golden Hornet*225 meal block plan + $200 “K Cash” per term$2,446
20 Meal Plan20 meals/week + $100 “K Cash” per term$2,284
15 Meal Plan15 meals/week + $200 “K Cash” per term$2,157
10 Meal Plan10 meals/week + $300 “K Cash” per term$1,823

*Students have the ability to use two meals per meal period (breakfast: 7:30am-10am; lunch: 10am-4:30pm; dinner: 4:30pm-8pm; late night: 8pm-11pm). Any meals not used would be forfeited at the end of the respective term.

Note: K Cash is included with residential meal plans and can be used to purchase items from the Richardson Room, Welles After Dark, The Marketplace, or the Book Club. K Cash can also be used to purchase guest meals in Welles Dining Hall. K Cash for all meal plans will carry over from Fall to Winter term and Winter to Spring term. Unused K Cash at the end of the Spring term will be forfeited.

Commuter Meal Plans

Students residing in the Residence Halls will not be permitted to purchase a commuter plan.

Commuter PlansPrice
75 Meals$691
50 Meals$483
25 Meals$253

Special Fees

Special Fee TypeAmount
.81 to 1.4 Registered Units $6,979
.41 to .80 Registered Units $3,987
.21 to .40 Registered Units $1,995
Up to .20 Registered Units $997
Special secondary school fee (per course)$1,891
LandSea program$725 – $1,995
Applied music (.5 hour) $336
Applied music (1 hour)$672
Applied music group (1 hour) $221

Other Fees and Charges

Other Fees and ChargesAmount
Matriculation fee$150
Student Health InsuranceTBD
Official transcript$6
Returned check (NSF check)$25

Nonrefundable Deposits

Deposits (nonrefundable)Amount
First time students$350
LandSea Program$100