How to Add an Authorized User

Students may add an authorized user (e.g. your parents, guardians, or anyone you’d like to have access to your account) to make a payment, view your account activity, and/or view your Financial Aid information. To protect your privacy, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires us to obtain student permission before sharing your educational records.

  1. Log in to the Payment Center
  2. From your home page, find the Authorized Users link in the My Profile Setup box.
  3. Click the Add Authorized User tab and provide the following information:
    • Email address of the authorized user
    • Whether you would like to allow this person to view your billing statement and account activity (Yes/No)
    • Whether you would like to allow this person to view your 1098-T tax statement (Yes/No)
    • Whether you would like to allow this person to view your payment history and account activity (Yes/No)
    • Whether you would like to allow this person to receive your payment plan communications (Yes/No)
  4. Click Continue
  5. Review and accept the agreement

The authorized user will receive 2 emails from The first will contain a welcome message and a link for the user to log in. The second will provide a temporary password. The password is valid for 24 hours, so be sure to let them know to watch for those emails.